About The Project
‘A Journey from Dormancy to Life’
(Personal work, 2018)
For a previous series of images ( Sprouting & Rotting ), I was experimenting with the germination of all kinds of ingredients, including dried beans and grains. This exploration sparked a deep fascination with the germination process, leading me to create a dedicated series that focuses exclusively on dried beans and grains.
This series aims to transform the viewer’s perception of these commonly overlooked kitchen staples. Typically seen only as dried ingredients for cooking, they undergo a remarkable transformation when left to germinate. By capturing this evolution, I offer a glimpse into the hidden vitality and intricate beauty of the germination process.
The series features two images for each of the four different ingredients. The first image, rendered in sepia tones, captures the moment when the embryo inside the bean or grain awakens at the onset of germination. The second image, presented in full color, showcases the sprout as it develops roots in search of nutrients, illustrating the life force that emerges as the mother seed begins to wither and die.
Through these images, I invite you to witness the extraordinary journey from dormancy to life, revealing the delicate and powerful processes that are usually hidden from our daily view.
©Wesley Dombrecht
A little background info off the germinating process:
”Dried beans & kernels In the edible form as we know them, exist in a sleeping state, when exposed to water/oxygen/temperature, the embryo inside off them wakes up, during the first development they use gravity to determine the direction of growth, to start the germination & rooting it uses all the spare food from inside the bean, finally the shell dies & the embryo becomes a new life form